Regular Programming:
Regular Programming is subject to change with special programming. Please check the calendar for more info.
Pickleball - Sat. & Sun. 11-2PM
Play ball! Welcome to all skill levels and ages
Coffee & Chat (North of 60) - Tues. 2-4PM
--Drink the coffee and spill the tea!
-- In the Jackalope
Yoga with Richard - Tues. 5PM - 6:15PM
--Get limber with Yogi Richard! All skill levels welcome
--In the large gym
Piano Lessons - Tues. & Wed. 4-6PM
--Register with Emi at
Slow Jam -- Tues 7pm-9pm
-- Next dates are April 1, 15, and 29
South of 6 - Wed. 10-12AM
-- Bouncy castle and snacks provided!
Judo - Wednesdays 7-8pm
-- Must be pre registered
--In the large Gym
Shuffleboard & Game night - Thurs. 6-10PM
-- Game on!
--Jackalope open as well
Yoga with Line - Fri. 10-11:15AM
--In the large gym!
Jackalope Open - Thurs. 6-10, Fri. 6-10PM
MLCS Board Meetings
--see our online calendar for up to date meetings
LAC Board Meetings - Second Wed. of the Month
The Marsh Lake political voice.
MARCH MEETING will be Wednesday the 19th
Foot Care Clinic - See below poster for dates
email to book in.